
Are you interested in measuring learning outcomes to drive change, make data-informed decisions, and demonstrate the impact of programs and services at your library? Discover how Project Outcome for Academic Libraries can support your library. New learning opportunities from ACRL can help you make the most of this powerful tool and advocate for your library.

Project Outcome for Academic Libraries

Launched by ACRL in April 2019, this is a free online toolkit designed to help academic libraries assess and communicate the impact of essential library programs and services. Based on the model developed by the Public Library Association (PLA), Project Outcome provides simple surveys and tools to measure and analyze outcomes, including interactive data dashboards. Libraries can aggregate their outcome data and analyze trends over time by topic area and program type, and benchmark their outcomes against other users in their Carneige class and nationwide. Users also have access to the resources and training support needed to use their results and confidently assert the value of their academic library.

Learning Opportunities: Make the Most of Project Outcome

ACRL offers two new learning opportunities on Project Outcome for Academic Libraries. In the interactive, in-person, half-day workshops, attendees learn how to use Project Outcome to successfully implement outcome measurement and take action with their results. One-hour introductory webinars provide an overview of the toolkit and an opportunity to ask questions for a single institution or organization seeking to engage library staff in using Project Outcome.  


If you are interested in hosting a workshop or webinar, please read the details below and contact Gena Parsons-Diamond (




Getting Started with Project Outcome for Academic Libraries


In this one-hour webinar, attendees will be introduced to the Project Outcome for Academic Libraries surveys and resources. Project Outcome is a free toolkit that helps libraries measure four key learning outcomes – knowledge, confidence, application, and awareness – across seven library program and service areas.  The survey topics cover: Instruction, Events/Programs, Research, Teaching Support, Digital & Special Collections, Space, and Library Technology. The toolkit provides academic libraries of any size the means to easily measure outcomes and use that data as the basis for improvements and advocacy. This session will include opportunities for questions and discussion among participants.


Prior to the webinar we recommend that participants register for Project Outcome and review basic materials in the toolkit.


The webinar is intended to help stimulate discussion at the host institution/organization about effective outcome measurement strategies and to engage all library staff in that process.


Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

  • Discover how Project Outcome can help academic libraries measure meaningful learning outcomes.
  • Learn how to use the Project Outcome for Academic Libraries toolkit, from administering surveys to visualizing results.
  • Understand how other libraries have used outcome data for action.
  • Learn how to put data to work in improving library services and advocacy.


Who Should Attend

This webinar is intended for all librarians, library staff, and library administrators who are interested in making improvements to the library’s programs and services.



The webinars are presented by a member of ACRL’s Project Outcome for Academic Libraries Editorial Board in conjunction with ACRL staff member Gena Parsons-Diamond. The Editorial Board presenter will be selected based on availability, though ACRL staff can endeavour to match the presenter with the host organization based on institution type or specific needs.



Audience size is not limited for this one-hour format, but all participants should be part of a single institution or organization.


The webinar may be recorded, but that recording may not be shared publicly (it can be made available only to members of the host organization). The host organization can choose whether to provide the virtual platform for the webinar or to have ACRL host it via Zoom.


Host responsibilities:

  • Market and publicize the webinar.
  • Communicate regularly with ACRL staff and presenters regarding program and logistics.


ACRL will provide:

  • One live webinar.
  • Expert presenters to facilitate the webinar.
  • Evaluation design and compilation for overall webinar, with results shared with the host organization.



Hosts are responsible for paying a one-time fee advance of the webinar.

Single Institution: $450
Consortia, Association, or Group: $700

In-Person Workshops


Project Outcome for Academic Libraries: Data for Impact and Improvement



In this interactive half-day workshop, attendees will learn how to successfully implement Project Outcome for Academic Libraries. Project Outcome is a free toolkit that helps libraries measure four key learning outcomes – knowledge, confidence, application, and awareness – across seven library program and service areas via participant surveys. The survey topics cover: Instruction, Events/Programs, Research, Teaching Support, Digital & Special Collections, Space, and Library Technology. Project Outcome provides academic libraries of any size the means to easily measure outcomes in those areas and to use that data as the basis for continuous improvements and advocacy.

Prior to the workshop we recommend that participants register for Project Outcome, review basic materials in the toolkit, and consider a goal for outcome measurement at their library. 


Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

  • Measure meaningful learning outcomes using Project Outcome for Academic Libraries.
  • Use the Project Outcome for Academic Libraries toolkit to administer surveys, analyze results, and create reports.
  • Understand how other libraries have used outcome data for action.
  • Identify challenges and effective means of implementing outcome measurement to improve library services and advocacy.
  • Discuss strategies for communicating key results to stakeholders.
  • Develop an action plan for successfully implementing Project Outcome at your library.


Who Should Attend

This workshop is intended for all librarians, library staff, and library administrators who are interested in making improvements to the library’s programs and services. The workshop and focus of Project Outcome is particularly relevant to those who interact directly with library users and those who take part in library assessment practices. Attendees are not expected to have any assessment expertise or previous experience with Project Outcome.


Please email if you are interested in hosting a in-person workshop. 


“I've attended Project Outcome sessions at conferences before, so I knew about this before today. However, it was very helpful to complete the worksheet w/ my colleagues present. Working on this together was VERY helpful.”


“Already have a project in mind to assess and feel motivated to do it in the near future.”


“This session was a tipping point to get started with this resource. I was familiar, now I'm ready. Thank you!”


“Very informative. This will be a great way to implement assessment as I build a library instruction program.”


“Great presenter, great visuals! Highly organized, really fun and insightful group work.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer full-day workshops?

You can learn to use the Project Outcome for Academic Libraries toolkit in a half-day workshop. If you are looking for a more intensive learning experience for a measuring library impact, consider hosting ACRL’s Assessment in Action or Standards for Libraries in Higher Education RoadShow workshops.

What is the difference between this program and ACRL's RoadShows?

The Project Outcome for Academic Libraries workshops are intended as an entry point to outcome measurement. They focus on the Project Outcome toolkit and strategies for effectively implementing it. For a broader, more customized and locally developed approach to assessment, institutions should consider hosting ACRL’s Assessment in Action or Standards for Libraries in Higher Education RoadShow workshops.


The FAQs will be updated as we receive other questions.



Contact Us

Download a PDF with the information from this page.


If you have questions or are interested in hosting a workshop or webinar, please contact ACRL Program Coordinator Gena Parsons-Diamond (